Operative Surgery of the Colon, Rectum and Anus 6e

Accepted for publication (ed. O'Connell, Madoff and Solomon) (early 2013)


Chapter 12: Elective Surgery for Rectal Cancer

STEVENSON ARL, contributing author and working party

Australian Cancer Network:  Best Practice Guidelines for the treatment of colorectal cancer: 2nd Edition (2005). ISBN:0-9775060-1-0, p.135-149


Australian Cancer Network:  Best Practice Guidelines for the treatment of colorectal

cancer (published 1998):

Stevenson ARL contributing author and working party

Protocols in General Surgery - Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery

Sackier JM, Wexner SD eds

Stitz RW, Lumley JW

June 1999. Part 11, Chapter 6 - Rectal Carcinoma


Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery - Principles and Practice of Surgical Laparoscopy

WB Saunders contributing author and working party

Fielding GA, Stitz RW

1994.8.2.210. Overview 225